e-sgh - Platforma e-learningowa

Obligatory e-learning trainings

The first semester students of first-degree and second-degree studies at SGH are obligated to accomplish three e-learning workshops:

  • Occupational Health Safety Training (BHP);
  • Library Training;
  • Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Protection Training.

The participants of first semester doctoral studies at the Warsaw School of Economics, are required to pass only e-learning Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Protection training.

Since the summer semester 2014/2015, SGH bachelor, master's programme and doctoral students of the first year of study have an access to trainings on the e-sgh platform with the provision of album's number and e-mail address in the domain @sgh.waw.pl.

Students from previous years should complete the registration form available at the Virtual Dean's Office. If you have difficulties in finding a link to the registration form contact us

Students should make themselves acquainted with all the training materials and pass the obligatory tests. (ATTENTION: The participants of doctoral studies are required to pass only Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Protection test). Trainings are obligatory and free. In case trainings are not completed the student will not be granted credit for the first semester.

ATTENTION! The students who have graduated from the first-degree studies at the Warsaw School of Economics and accomplished all three above mentioned trainings - do not need to take the trainings again. The students who have graduated from the first-degree studies at the Warsaw School of Economics and did not accomplish some of mentioned training during the Bachelors Studies, are obligated to accomplish this training at I semester of Master Studies. Also participant of Doctoral Studies who accomplished Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Protection training during the lower level studies at SGH - do not need to take the workshop again.

Publish date: 2015-04-20 00:00:00