e-sgh - Platforma e-learningowa

Who can participate in online lectures?

The offer of online lectures is addressed only to SGH students and dedicated groups. The exceptions are interinstitutional lectures (econet project) and international lectures organized in cooperation with UIS.

Since the summer semester 2014/2015, SGH bachelor, master's programme and doctoral students of the first year of study have an access to the e-sgh platform with the provision of album's number and e-mail address in the domain @sgh.waw.pl. To logging into www.e-sgh.pl platform SGH student should use her/his SGH login and password (the same as to log into the Virtual Dean's Office or SGH mail in the cloud for students).

SGH student can participate in any number of online lectures, provided she/he selected them during the semester declaration in the Virtual Dean's Office. Access to the chosen e-courses is granted automatically by e-sgh platform at the beginning of semester. To start online lecture, student should simply log into the www.e-sgh.pl with the use of SGH login and password.

SGH student should remember that the active participation (timely solving assignments and tests, post to forum, etc.) in online classes is a very important factor for completion of the course. The second element is the final evaluation exam, conducted in the traditional form.

Publish date: 2015-06-03 10:09:08